
Eleveo Product Update 9.4

We're excited to announce that our latest product release is available with flexible deployment on-premise, hybrid, and in the cloud. The Eleveo team is now maintaining one version of the software no matter how you choose to deploy our product. This update includes enhancements to elevate the user experience and expand functionality for Quality Management and Workforce Management for on-premise and cloud deployment.


Check out our latest launch details below:  


Eleveo Software On-Premise & Cloud Deployment Alignment


In version 9.4 and above, Eleveo is merging the on-premise and cloud roadmaps. Premise deployments will now be able to enjoy our complete feature set, including. 

Automated Quality Management

Speech Tags
Full text search
Emotion detection


Workforce Management 

Realtime Adherence   
Intraday Management  
Shift Swaps  
Absence Requests



Microsoft Teams 
Zoom Contact Center  
Webex Contact Center  

Genesys On Premise

The Genesys User Importer is compatible with Eleveo version 9.4+ 


Replay High Availability

Eleveo now supports replay high availability for active and cold standby with manual switchover.


Dashboard widgets

The dashboard widgets are supported for on-premise installations of version 9.4+. 


Cisco Webex Calling

The addition of Cisco Webex Calling in this version complements our existing suite of recording options available.


Workforce Management Shift Swaps

Agents can send a request to trade shifts from within the system. This workflow automates part of it, and schedules are automatically updated to reflect the changes once a supervisor approves the request.

Speech Recognition Enhancements

Eleveo has expanded the number of supported languages. AI-driven Transcription is now supported for additional media types, including MP3 and MP4


Support for shared lines and multiple extensions

Eleveo is now able to support installations where multiple users share a single line or multiple extensions.



You can view the complete release noteshere.  

For more details or to request a demo, please email your Eleveo Sales Director at sales@eleveo.com. 


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