
Recording 100% of all calls and fully complying with strict internal security requirements.

Changes in the TAURON GROUP meant TAURON Obsługa Klienta had to run a modern center, with its recording system as a key element.


Tauron's Story

TAURON needed a fully modern contact center that meet all internall security requirements for High Availability (HA), data storage and encryption.

Our objective was to implement a scalable recording system that easily records 100% of calls and is integrated with TAURON’s UCCX enviroment, while also meeting internal security requirements.

In order to do this we executed a combined Cisco/Elevēo solution, with Elevēo’s ability to fulfill PCI DSS compliance requirements ensuring that TAURON could meet all its security needs.

As a result TAURON is now recording 100% of all calls, with an internal
audit confriming that all security requirements are being met.

The Case in Detail

Changes within the Tauron Group menat TAURON Obsługa Klienta had to run a fully modern contact center, with its recording system as a key element.

Since TAURON uses Cisco as its internal IP telephony standart and consequently runs the contact center on the UCCX platform, the goal was to implement a scalable recording system that is integrated with the UCCX enviroment and easily records 100% of calls. At the same time the solution has to meet strict internal security requirements for High Availability, data storage and encryption.

 “Implementation went smoothly, and the production stage confirmed the high quality. As a result, we increased the number of licenses and now have over 500 seats recorded by Elevēo.”

Andrzej Partyła

In addition, TAURON needed central access to recording and live monitoring via a web interface on the VMware platform.

Atende – Elevēo’s partner – has exstensive experience implementing these types of projects, and proposed a combines Cisco/Elevēo solution, with Elevēo’s ability to fulfill PCI DSS compliance requirements ensuring that TAURON could meet all its security needs.
Elevēo deployed CallREC with contact center integration, CallREC High Availability and LiveMON, with the result that TAURON is now recording 100% of all calls. An internal audit further confirmed that the HA architecture and recording encryptions fully comply with internal security requirements.

And thanks to Elevēo’s maintenance policy, TAURON has immediate access to updates and upgrades to new versions as part of their maintenance license. now able to play back both voice and screen recordings to give agents appropriate feedback – both on the call and the way they handled applications and provided information to customers.

When the Guangzhou call center opened 2,500 km away, the same systems, forms and processes could be used for both centers, thereby synchronizing standards. On top of this, calibrations could now be conducted once a month, and twice a month between Kuala Lumpur and Guangzhou supervisors.

As a result, external quality ratings increased almost 15% from 70% to 84.5%, with a peak of 87%. And average handling time has dropped from 8 to 6 minutes.


“The Contact Center recording system was deployed based on the ZOOM platform, since the solution guarantees that we meet high customer requirements for security and business operational continuity. ”

Beata Kurzal
 Sales Director


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